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  • Please contribute (feedback, bugs, adding new tutorials, join the discussion), via GitHub or contact andreas larsen directly, andreas.larsen (at)

Source code

  • The HTML/CSS for this website can be found at GitHub.


  • Andreas Haahr Larsen (Department of Neuroscience, University of Copenhagen), Martin Cramer Pedersen (Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen), Jacob Judas Kain Kirkensgaard (Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen), Viktor Holm-Janas (Center for Digital Education, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen).
  • With invaluable feedback from the students at: Methods in Soft Material Science (PhD course, Roskilde University, 2023 and 2024); Experimental X-ray Physics (MSc course, University of Copenhagen, 2023); Cross Institutional Molecular Biophysics (PhD course, Roskilde University, 2023); Structural Tools in Nanoscience (MSc course, University of Copenhagen, 2023); Neutron Scattering (MSc course, University of Copenhagen, 2024); Small-Angle Scattering: Principles, Data Analysis and Advanced Modeling (PhD summer school, University of Copenhagen, 2024).


  • We acknowledge funding from the Lundbeck Foundation (grant R347-2020-2339 to Andreas Larsen), the Danish Data Science Academy and University of Copenhagen.