Online training course for SAS analysis using Python. By Tim Snow, Diamond light source.
This is an collection of learning materials for small-angle scattering.
If your material is missing, please add it via the SAStutorials GitHub page.
(and if you find or dead links, please remove them or report this as an issue - also via the GitHub page).
Online training course for SAS analysis using Python. By Tim Snow, Diamond light source.
Small-angle scattering online course with recorded lectures etc from the Diamond, Oxford, UK.
Guides, and recorded lectures on SAXS and WAXS from the the BioCAT beamline at APS, Chicago, USA.
Practical intro to bioSAXS analysis: Guinier Analysis, Molecular weight determinations, pair distance distribution etc.
Webinars on bioSAXS from the the SIBYLS beamline at ALS, Berkeley, USA.
Tutorials for SasView, covering basic fitting to complex modelling.
Tutorials for BioXTAS RAW. Primary data reduction.
Forum for discussing bioSAXS - centered around the ATSAS software package (including all post from the old Saxier forum which is no longer maintained)
Tutorial for running an MD simulations and calculate the corresponding SAXS/WAXS curve
Collection of information about small angle scattering: meetings, resources, etc. Maintained by canSAS.
Brian Pauw's blog on small-angle x-ray scattering
Wikipedia and general information for gracing incidence SAXS (GISAXS).
The collective action for small-angle scatterers: an open community dealing with standards, recommendations, community challenges
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